Based on the short story "A Dervish’s Seed" by Nikolai Haitov
Stoyan Radev
Elitsa Georgieva
Stoyan Radev
"Karakoncolos" is a seriocomic recapitulation of an unusual life about Ramadan Dervishov of the popular short story "A Dervish’s Seed" by Nikolai Haitov shares with a bear, tamed and domesticated by him, but above all with the spectators his life story: married at the innocent age of 14, he has lost his wife to a neighbour and pining over his lost love, he works himself up into a passion for revenge—to eventually find his true self after years of hesitation and inner struggles. It has taken a long way to go because he is an unruly and unbowed man, as solid as a rock. He gets into heated arguments with the mayor, recounting the first moments of his wedding night, which has been a children’s game, longing to be with his love, which sometimes subdues him and other times makes him great in his devotion to her. He is bursting with natural strength, with naïve and wise discoveries, with stories too funny for words that broaden our notion of the power and the meaning of human beings and their frantic struggle with and for life.
Shutting himself and his broken heart in his mountain cabin, Ramadan Dervishov seems to share himself and his primary experience with the world at large: with people, both close and distant, chance acquaintances and nearest and dearest, with his neighbours and countrymen, with nature and domestic animals, thus rounding off and filling human existence with events and emotions, naivety and wisdom, anguish and laughter.
It is not for nothing that Karakoncolos is a byname for a mythical bogeyman suffering from insomnia. A very interesting eye-opening acquaintance with Ramadan...
Mirela Ivanova
Boriana Miteva
Bozhidar Markov
Yanina Petrova
Bozhidar Markov
Premiere: 22nd and 23rd of January 2020