The Elementary Particles | Play | Ivan Vazov National Theatre
01 February, Saturday 19:00 Chamber Hall

The Elementary Particles

02 h 00 m
Age restriction
Not suitable for persons under 16

Production team:

dramatization and direction
Chris Sharkov
Scenography and costumes
Nikola Toromanov
Ralitsa Georgieva

The Elementary Particles

adapted from "Les Particules élémentaires" written by Michel Houellebecq



Krasimir Petrov

Dramatisation and directing:

Kris Sharkov

Scenography and costumes:

Nikola Toromanov


Emiliyan Gatsov-Elbi


Ralitsa Georgieva

Dramaturg of the production:

Mayia Pramatarova


Teodora Duhovnikova, Zhaklin Daskalova, Dimitar Nikolov, Martin Dimitrov, Elena Ivanova, Slavena Kerezova, Darina Radeva


All synonyms of the word challenging are fitting of Michel Houellebecq’s “The Elementary Particles”. The novel, which made him renowned across the world, reveals the problems of modern European society in a provocative, bold, arrogant, and even offensive manner. It speaks, through the engaging stories of two brothers - a teacher and a successful biologist, of love in a time of hypertechnology. Questions are posed with brazen audacity but with an idealised view of the future of humanity.

Translating a novel of such importance for the understanding of our changing times to the stage is a challenge. The team’s approach is ironic and paradoxically lyric, fitting of Houellebecq’s understanding. Doomed to live, man is quick to cut his ties to the past, and is yet to learn how to recognize the sounds of the future.

The production is a social anti-utopia, which poses the question of whether man can preserve his ability to love in a dehumanising world. The answer is being sought by travelling backwards and forwards through time. Our guides are the director (author of the stage adaptation) and the actors, for whom Houellebecq is an important guide in making sense of this new paradigm.

The production "The Elementary Particles" is part of the "Theatre+" Programme.

Theatre+ is a platform for long-term and collaborative creative work to exchange ideas and present new dramaturgical and stage trends in contemporary theatre.

Chamber Hall




Scenographic Achievement Award to Nikola Tormanov for the scenography of The Elementary Particles from the Crossroads Theater Balkan Theater Festival 2024 in Nis, Serbia

Best Young Actor Award to Martin Dimitrov for his role as Bruno in The Elementary Particles from the Crossroads Theater Balkan Theater Festival 2024 in Nis, Serbia

Special award for DIRECTING from the Skupi International Theater Festival 2024 (ITF SkupiFestival) in Skopje, North Macedonia



Irina Ivanova

Poster design:

Nikolai Dimitrov NAD


Alexander Bogdan Thompson


Premiere: 21st and 26th of April 2024

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